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Classmates In Kentucky: 101
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Kathryn Abbott (Reynolds)
Karen Atteberry (Mitzlaff)
Juanita Jewell Barker (Bell)
Barry Barmore
David Block
Jenne Lee Boebinger (Heavrin)
Coleen Bohannon (Berry)
Robert Bower
Mac Bowling
Marian Brooks (Fister)
Naomi Brown (Scheirich)
William Brown, Jr.
John Burrice
David Burton
Hugh (Bud) Campbell
Charlotte Cardwell (Johnson)
Eileen Carpenter (Mahoney)
C. Thomas Carroll
Karen Carter (Stone)
Janet Chambers (Board)
Bruce Chang
Eugene Clay
Connie Corey (Harbolt)
Douglas Cornelius
George Craig
Margaret Crane (Dages)
Joseph Curry
Patricia Downs (Todd)
Gaye Duncan (Holman)
Sara Durham (Fredenberger)
Beverly Eastes (Jaquith)
Kenny Elias
Judy Gibson (Hawkins)
Harold Wayne Glore
Cheryl Gresham (Chick)
Larry Griner
Sue Guthrie (Morgan)
Mary Sharon Hall
Gay Hampton (Marino)
Joseph Hart, III
Robert Hirsch
Barbara Hodge (Kaltenthaler)
Thomas Hopkins
Carol Horrar (Ham)
Barbara Houchen (Harshfield)
Robert Howell
Susan Hullett (Holt)
Mike Huston
William Johnson
Mary Louise Jones (Farra)
Samuel Clifford Jordan
John Paul Keith
Donald Kendall
Penny Kesselman (Medley)
Gene King
Thomas Kittle
Sally Kraft (Moreland)
Lewis Lyons
Susan Major (Scannell)
Victor Meadows
Harry Miller
Willa Mitchell (Johnson)
Samuel Morgan
Sheilia Morgan (Van Vactor)
Edward Morris
Cooper Moseley
Carol Norcross (Hepp)
Jane Orr (Bryant)
Clyde Phillips, III
Robert Poe
Jeffrey Points
Sandra Pollack (Powell)
Tom Pope
James Potter, Jr.
William Reis, Jr.
Sherry Rose (Pottlitzer)
Sherry Ross
Linda Schardein (Porter)
James Scott
John Shane
Louella Sheehan (Watkins)
Martha Sheely (Kayse)
Terry Shellhammer
Mike Skelton
John Smart
Sue Stafford
David Stallard
Betty Talbott (Stallard)
Phyllis Thomas (Miller)
Katherine Travis (Abbott)
Stan Tucker
George Vogel
Richard Vreeland
Bonnie Webb (Nicolas)
Marilyn Weber (Heil)
Linda Whayne (Aaron)
Gail Wilson (Berry)
Bill Witten
Bonnie Wuchterl (Kinser)
Sabra Yerkes (Isham)
G. Robert Zix